Iron Horses
I rode the 9-11-13 ride From S.C. to Washington DC at night alone. This is what I saw the
next morning as the sun began to rise.
At 10.45 am 9-11-13 while going into Washington on I-95 I was able to shut down I-95.... briefly,
but by God it did stop.
That's what we went up there to do was shut Washington down. Did my job, tire in
the fast lane.
Still got the 16 penny nail that did me in.
make a note: Don't every piss off the Bikers of America...
September 11, 2013 Washington, DC said we couldn't ride
through their town to honor the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the members of the military
called to serve after the attacks .....No permits for us but the musses got one.
but we did ride..... 1.2 million of us strong.
motorcycle I rode to the event.
1997 FLSTC Made the 1100 mile trip to DC and back for 9-11-13 ride
What I will ride next time.
What can I say.
Taking a break on the way home outside of Washington DC on I-95 South bound to Richmond,
A little sign added so people would know what we the people just did in WASHINGTON DC on 9-11-13.
I rode the center lane on
I-95 South and I-85 South for 11 hours. Lots of horns and thumbs up..
The news refused to cover it..
Just because they try to ignore us does not mean that they will be successful
at it.
State Links for next year SEE you there next
I was there and I counted 21 of them...21 of them-- HA..
The last
Crusade kept the peace for better than 700 years.
Some older Harleys
My first Harley in the late 1960's looked |

like this but had a bigger seat with saddle bags and windshield. |

Second Harley in 1971 or so.
1968 Harley Davidson bored with a 4 3/4 stroker.
 I drive this one every day.
My 50' rat truck
And they all run...
My first Leather Jacket
Night Hog mc South Carolina bottom rocker 1960's & early 70's.
riding it as of 2014
This is what I ride TO work
These are what we ride AT
Third Harley
Summer of 2011
1997 Harley Davidson
- Brand: Harley-Davidson
- Model: Softail Heritage Classic
- Production Year: 1997
- Engine Type: Evolution engine
- Engine Size: 1338.00 ccm (81,23 cubic
inches) plus a few " now
- Engine Horsepower: 55.00 HP
- Starter Type: Electric, No kick, knees gone!
- Transmission Type: Belt
- Gearbox Type: 5 speed
- Weight: (695,41 pounds) 895.41
with me and tops out 1000 lbs. loaded.
- Length: about 8 foot, 2 feet or so shorter
than my other Harley.
Blew the motor, over heated trying to get
around a dam bear. October 2011. Rebuilt and ready for Spring of 2012.

Looking back.
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
Elton Braswell (family), retired from the French Foreign Legion ( Légion étrangère,)
and is coming home now. He has died .. God Bless Him.
one of our Brothers in arms doing well..and keeping the faith, Is Ralf
BACHI-KI-DO Ralf Bartzsch is 9 Doan
German Grand Master out of Berlin / Germany
My International Brothers in Arms PMCS
pictures/video below it.
VETS International PMC Unit patch.
Ralf, I'm behind you and the Venezuelan & Canadian
on back row, right,
short (black faceout) one. The good-old days,.
1983-90 Brothers in Arms PMC - PSC - SCSDF - LEO.
Recondo LRRPS unit .
Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), established by the Army in 1985, paved the way for the extensive use of civilian
contractors (PMC) in wartime and during other contingencies. Made PMC'S legal...
Need Work? The number of armed contractors is rising.
DoD says it sees “similar dependence on contractors in future.”
Some great products worth looking at or into. There is always
a chance for another Hurricane Katrina, ice storm, or loss of power.
Includes 2 ASC 10" x 12" Level III Trauma Plates!!
AR500 Armor offers multiple carrier packages intended for use in a variety of
scenarios from Emergency to Duty!
All Carriers are fully adjustable from Medium to XXL!
This is a complete ready to go rig including AR500 Trauma Plates,
Universal Pistol Holster, M4 / AR15, AK47 Magazine Pouch, and Universal Pistol Magazine Pouch.
These trauma plates will take and stop a 30-06 just
to give you some idea as to how hard they are.
just in case..
Emergency Personal Injury Kit (EPIK) IFAK
Of course,......... these and all other
fish moxs, are for fish know !!
These 250 mg Amoxicillin cost me about $7.00 for a 30 count bottle.
of the medicines Fishmox carries are NON-PRESCRIPTION antibiotics.
are the same USP grade antibiotics produced by pharmaceutical companies for human use.
Every capsule or tablet is labeled, imprinted,
and often color-coded with a special code that can be used to identify the strength and type of the antibiotic by performing
a simple internet search.
Filters a 100,000 gals of water. Fits in your hand.
Nearly impossible
for harmful bacteria, protozoa, or cysts like E. coli, Giardia, Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella typhi to
pass through.
That means you can drink directly from any natural water
source. Lakes, streams, rivers, brooks and so on.
No need to carry extra water & weight.
Great while your out hunting or other what-ever.
(in)4.75(h)x4.35(w)x2(d) & 1.6 lbs.
1 pack has 9 individually wrapped bars and is 3 days worth
of food.
$4.99 to $5.30 to $5.70 each, per 9 pack delivered, would be a good price. 5
years shelf life.
There are 12,000 carjackings every year in this country,
or that someone is assaulted every nine seconds, then those are quite sobering statistics.
S&W M&P Shield 9MM & 40 Cal. Only 0.98 inch at wide at fattest point, and only 19 oz.
Palmetto State Defense, LLC
Made by hand 1 at a time.
(864) 469-9875
- LONG RANGE (.270 | .25-06 | .30-06 - or 7mm - 300 magnum.) With 20 round mag.
Won't lose my gold ring now...permanent tat !