Root Cellar
(inside 14 x 16) Plans will be added later
Inside Temperature is holding at 56-58 degrees while Outside
Temperature was at 86.
Should get better after
front covering and second door goes up.
  Roof (tin) is 12 x 20' wide.
 48 and 50 degrees inside. The outside temp is 78 degrees
 auto sump pump
Cedar back walls, with steel roof I beams overlapped. Post are for more shelving..
(Below is old style and has been changed)
Walls on side and back over 4 - 7 feet thick. Dirt roof is over a foot deep with waterproofing and insulation underneath.
This design, on the front keeps most of the weight off front walls and sends water away from cellar..This will be removed
when second door and outside cover is added..
Post fanned out to carry water away from front of shelter.